When I first started teaching Abundance, it was a one-day workshop. Immediately after the workshop the participants started getting magical results.

Lauren was confused about her next step and within a day, she had crystal clarity. She moved to the place (another state altogether) that she wanted and started her counseling practice there.

June had a massive upgrade in her mindset and started attracting her ideal clients to her business. The very next day she had five random enquiries about her services who ended up being her client.

Over the years the Abundance programs that I teach have had miraculous successes and results.

“Made my very first high-end sale” – Sasha

“Found $2000 in bank account that I didn’t’ know I had” – Sarah

" I took a little longer but I manifested over $31,000 in the past 42 days." L Zhilla

“I had a insurance return $1500 out of the blue” – Kim

“I made $250,000 in commissions”  – Kimberly

“I am paying off all my debts, I am so proud of me and money is pouring in” – Cynthia

“I have tripled my income consistently even during a pandemic and now ready to become a deca-millionaire” – Maria

“Started my new business and I am thriving” – Kim

“Working with Adwiti is like riding a magic carpet..it is absolutely beautiful” – Lori

” My life healed” – Sue

These are but a few of all the clients I have worked with.

The 30 Day Manifest Health, Wealth and Happiness Group program is for you.

I know you want to work with me.

I feel the need to offer you a very potent version of my Abundance program, so you can move from being stuck, frustrated, blocked, tired of the same old grind to springing into a fresh perspective, making more money, attracting the right kind of people, being happy for no reason, singing at the top of your lungs with joy, feel empowered and clear to make decisions and stick to your commitment.

Some of you may be stuck at a certain level of income of 1K-3K and you want to level up to perhaps 5K plus and then sky is the limit.

Some of you may want to connect with source energy/God/Love/Universe to feel the abundance and then manifest that.

Some of you may be unclear, foggy, stuck.

Some of you maybe wondering what happened to the woman who was filled with joy, laughter and fun. So you are even afraid to spend time alone with yourself.

Some of you may find yourself tired, sluggish and unwell for no reason

But wherever you land  if you put the “play/work” in then you have the potential to be the most abundant  beingthan you have even been, like majority of my clients.

This is a RARE opportunity for you to:

Alignment is the key

1. Play with me (magic carpet ride) 2. To blast through those invisible blocks that are holding you back 3. To slay self-sabotage and really start loving yourself 4. To love yourself so much that nothing will feel impossible

What will you get:

3. A lesson per week with journal prompts will be dropped in the course portal — Value $500

4. 4 Himalayan Bowl meditations — Value $100

5. Goddess Laxmi ( The Goddess of Wealth) initiation and meditation — Value $500

6. Introduction to Tantric wealth and harmonizing your Divine Masculine and Divine feminine — Value $250

7. Increase your feminine receptive energy — Value $250

9. We will touch on discovering all your gifts and talents that you possess and I will show you how to create abundance with your gifts — Value $ Priceless therefore it could be millions because your talents are very valuable

10. Most Importantly this course will show you how to TAKE ACTION in order to be abundant. — Value $ Priceless